March ’68 – a glossary
A useful selection of basic terms connected with the subject of March’68, including historical and colloquially created phrases which were commonly used in student demonstrations, during the antisemitic campaign and used in the press in the 1960’s.
- Anti-Semitic narratives in literature inspired by March 1968
- Ballada o Łupaszce (“The Ballad of Łupaszka”)
- Banana youth
- Chinese duplicator
- Cisi i gęgacze (“The Quiet and the Cacklers”)
- Commando
- Dictatorship of the dimwits
- Dworzec Gdański train station (currently Warszawa Gdańska)
- Dziady
- Encyclopaedists
- Fifth column
- Gnome
- Israeli embassy in Poland and breaking diplomatic relations with Israel
- Klub Krzywego Koła (The Crooked Wheel Club)
- Letter of 34
- March ’68
- Natolin faction
- Partisans (faction of the Polish United Workers’ Party)
- Political bankrupt
- Post-March emigration and its consequences
- Puławianie faction
- Revisionism
- Siam
- Sit-in rally
- Six-Day War
- Świerszczyk (“The Little Cricket”)
- The “Babel” Club
- The March associate professor
- The press lies
- Travel document
- Trybuna Ludu
- Worker squads
- Writers, go back to writing
- Zionism
- Zionist